Creative Actors Lab is a resource for individuals to learn to create characters, learn voice, movement and sound acting techniques. We're all inventive beings but too often that spark is doused by self-doubt. Once we give ourselves permission to feel inspired by allowing our imaginations to flourish, we can reignite that childlike joy to create without being self-conscious. Check out our offerings to see what works for you.

"I had a great time participating in the acting games and voice exercises!"

- Carter T.

OTC Photo
Creating Characters and Scene Study

Learn how to create characters through improv, as well as how to read a scene and find your character's inner life.

Learn Voice and Movement

Let Max take you through a series of movement exercises and voice training to help you speak and move with confidence whether it's on stage or screen.

Side By Side

You have an audition and need to film the script or "sides" that were sent to you. We'll take you through step by step from looking the part, to filming, to sample sides to editing. We'll even show you Weekly Audition, a website where you can download sides to practice and show some of our sample sides.

Hi, We're Max and Kelley Grimm, your Acting Coaches

We first met doing a play at the Florida International University Playwright's Festival. It was the beginning of a loving creative relationship that has lasted over 30 years. Together we have produced award winning pilots, screenplays, and created events for world leaders and business moguls. As coaches for Acting Out Studios, we've taught hundreds of students how to perform improv, monologues, and strengthen their vocal abilities. Our best productions by far have been their two talented daughters, Amber and Danielle who are also authors and part of The Screenwriters Grimm.