Viola Spolin - Godmother of Improv

This week, Kelley and Max look at the person who has influenced Kelley's acting journey the most: Viola Spolin. Viola Spolin was an actress, educator, director, author, and the creator of theater games, a system of actor training that uses games she devised to teach the formal rules of the Theater organically. Her groundbreaking book Improvisation for the Theater transformed American theater and revolutionized how acting is taught. Here is a link to the website. Her son, Paul Sills, founded the legendary Second City improv group. Kelley uses many of her methods in her teaching, including A & B mirror exercises, The Library, and movement exercises. Her creative and life journey is truly inspiring. 

If you want to learn more or order her book Improvisation for the Theater, which was first printed in 1963, you can order it on her website or Amazon. Click here to look at a complete list of her books at the Northwestern University Press. 

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